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Arielle Immortal Journey - Lilian Roberts

"Arielle Immortal Journey (The Immortal Rapture Series) (Volume 5)" by Lilian Roberts is another beautiful part of her magic immortal series about the pure love between student Arielle Lloyd and the wonderful Sebastian Gaulle.
Roberts lets us share their strong bond and the precious moments between the lovers, but as always, there are threats from the outside world, in this case a gang from Russia who are after Sebastian and his company.
Arielle on the other hand has her dear friends Gabby and Eva, an amulet, a book of spells and a journey to the past.

Few authors write with a sense of innocence and purity such as Roberts. The values of true love and commitment permeat every page and readers sit in awe at the power of love. This is a wonderful modern fairy tale with charm and great values, the stuff that dreams are made of.
Enjoy your own journey into this magical world. As far as paranormal romances go, you won't find much better.